Saturday, January 1, 2011

Howdy Y'all! and Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year 2011! 
I have long admired my sweet friend's blog, feed the birdies.  She has inspired me to journal and share my adventures.  My life is never a dull moment as you will all come to learn!!!  But through thick and thin I have always relied on the foundation of my childhood as taught by the many people who raised me.
My Grandmother was a strong lady who had her own share of adventures in life and gave me much of who I am today.  I must not forget my Grandfather's garden either --but that is a whole other story another day.......
Here are some pictures of my grandmother, Nanny, with my grandfather.  They are so beautiful!
Knowing my Nanny, she probably made the suit and blouse she is wearing too!
.....and here is my Mom, my sister, and My Nanny.  This photo is taken about the time the first big adventure begins, 1971 when we were back in West Texas.
I can't wait to share flowers from my Nanny's garden with all y'all.