Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's a Tuaca Day

If you have never heard of Tuaca, it is an Italian Vanilla liquor that can turn my cold hard heart into a warm loving tender heart again.  I love Tuaca. 

This evening was spent putting together a summary of the divorce.  It is most sad to my heart knowing that my entire marriage can be summed up into 20 pages of divorce.  Someone told me today that it is so easy to get married and so difficult to divorce.  I agree.  I have spent so much time and we have just made temporary orders.  UGH!

So today I learned that I need to take of myself.  I don't mean getting pampered by someone else, but actually me taking care of me.  I take care of people.  I have a team of 35 and I take care of them, all of them.  But me?  I neglect me.  I pay for massages, pedicures, manicures, but *I* don't take care of me.  Moving forward on this journey I will learn to take care of me again.  I will spend time with me, pampering me.  That is when my heart is happiest. 

I also learned that I need to slow down.  Just simply slow down.  What is the Lord telling me? (I have prayed continuously lately as I start this journey)  HE is telling me to slow down.  Follow HIS way, listen and do as HE wants me to do.  I have the most difficult time with this as I don't have patience and the Lord works very slowly in my mind!!! 

Slow down and take care of me....what a concept, huh???

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Boats, Planes, and Automobiles

You know, things in life sometimes don't go as planned and that my sweet friends is how I have been living for the past year or so.  About the time I created this blog, I started an MBA program and just got busier than a bee on a mission.  Then I remembered my sweet little blog that I abandoned so long ago and decided to begin on this journey as I begin on the journey of the path in my life.

I recently had the pleasure of spending an evening on the lake gently rocking in a boat watching the sun go down. This was also an uplanned event that was warmly welcomed and much needed. I had great company and great conversation discussing sunsets, simple pleasures, and the show "Dallas". I was most grateful for this adventure and know that I will always have that memory of a fabulous ending to a really really really crappy day. (that's a divorce story)

It stinks getting divorced.  If you have been divorced, then you know what I mean!  If you haven't been divorced and are married, then stay married.  It's rude, crude, and disheartening to learn the "other side" of your spouse. Having said that, it's all that I will say about  my divorce and that explains why I am on the new path of my life that was completely unplanned.  One day, I might divulge the ugly, dirty, nasty story, but not now.

So, my friends, as my journey continues, I will share my adventures via boats, planes, and automobiles.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Howdy Y'all! and Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year 2011! 
I have long admired my sweet friend's blog, feed the birdies.  She has inspired me to journal and share my adventures.  My life is never a dull moment as you will all come to learn!!!  But through thick and thin I have always relied on the foundation of my childhood as taught by the many people who raised me.
My Grandmother was a strong lady who had her own share of adventures in life and gave me much of who I am today.  I must not forget my Grandfather's garden either --but that is a whole other story another day.......
Here are some pictures of my grandmother, Nanny, with my grandfather.  They are so beautiful!
Knowing my Nanny, she probably made the suit and blouse she is wearing too!
.....and here is my Mom, my sister, and My Nanny.  This photo is taken about the time the first big adventure begins, 1971 when we were back in West Texas.
I can't wait to share flowers from my Nanny's garden with all y'all.